In the central field: type in the text you want to add to all files - in this example it will be the year, 2021.From the Rename box select Add Text from the drop-down menu.Select the multiple files again (if they are no longer selected).Now we need to add the year to each of them. ::TIP:: When using the Replace Text option if you add nothing in the Replace with field then this will remove the text in the find field and replace it with nothing - a handy way to remove selected file name text from multiple files.Īll five files have now be titled Invoice 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The Rename box with the Replace Text option selected. Click on the Rename button to execute the change.In the Replace with: field type in the text you wish to replace it with, in this example it will be Invoice.In the Find: field type in the part of the existing file name you wish to replace, in this example it will be Document.Select Replace Text from the drop-down menu.A Rename box will appear with options to replace text, add text and format the file names.Right-click on one of the selected files and select Rename from the pop-up menu to edit the file name.
Files will be highlighted to indicate they are currently selected. You can select multiple files either by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the selector box over all the files you need to rename, or by single left-clicking on one file and then using the command key to single left-click all the other files you wish to include as part of the selection. I want rename the files to Invoice 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and add the year, 2021, to all 5 files simultaneously. In the example shown below I have 5 documents on my desktop labelled Document 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The Rename option from the ' Perform tasks with the selected items' drop-down menu. If you are viewing a file in the Finder window you can also single left-click on the file and select Rename from the ' Perform tasks with the selected items' (3 dots in a circle icon) drop-down button at the top of the Finder window.Screenshot showing the Rename option from the menu. Right-click on the file and select Rename from the pop-up menu to edit the file name (or control+ left-click if you have not enabled secondary click in System Preferences > Mouse / Trackpad).Single left-click on the title of the file name until it allows you to edit the title directly.Single left-click on the file you wish to rename to highlight it.Icon by Martin LEBRETON The Noun Project.
3 min read SOUNDBYTE #2 macOS Renaming Files artwork.